“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” -Proverbs 11:14

The FLY Committee would like an abundance of counselors! I am always happy to receive advice, constructive criticism, and feedback—so always feel free to give it. But did you know that FLY Convention has a mechanism for such feedback baked in? According to our by-laws, there is to be an advisory council comprised of one representative from each district in the AFLC. Ideally, this representative will bring ideas, concerns, and suggestions from the whole district. But if you just appoint someone who loves FLY and would like to give us their two cents, that would be better than nothing!

I would like to invite these representatives to our first (for this cycle) FLY Federation Council meeting on October 28th, at 9:00 a.m. (CST). To make it easy for representatives to attend this will be a VIRTUAL MEETING. At this meeting, they will have an opportunity to share what feedback, give us advice, and ask questions. Over the course of the two years of planning, I will likely reach out to them for opinions on various topics and issues as well. Here is a link to the meeting.

Here is what I ask of you today: As district pastors and youth workers, work together to appoint one official representative from your district who can (1) meet online on October 28th and (2) bring thoughts and ideas to the FLY Committee which reflect those of your district. Once you have selected and appointed a representative, please communicate the name and email address of your appointee to me so that I can communicate with them directly.

Lastly, if you want even more information here is a helpful FAQ document that may be helpful if you have questions.

Questions? Do not hesitate to reach out.

Pastor Ryan Patenaude
2025 FLY Committee President