- 1. Identity (FLY 2015 Theme Song) - David Olson, Adam McCarlson
Chord Chart - Lead Sheet
- Download for Identity song
- 2. Law Gospel Doxology - Zac Hicks
- YouTube - 3. You're the Shepherd - New Scottish Hymns
- YouTube - 4. This is Amazing Grace - Jeremy Riddle, Josh Farro, Phil Wickham
- YouTube -
5. Only Jesus Can - Guerra, Miller
- YouTube -
6. Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder - Jars of Clay, Martin Smith
- YouTube - 7. Be Thou My Vision - Ascend the Hill
- YouTube - 8. Child of God - Tim Timmons
- YouTube - 9. 10,000 Reasons - Myrin, Redman
- 10. Because He Lives (Amen) - Tomlin, Carson, Cash, et al
- 11. Forever (We Sing Hallelujah) - Kari Jobe, et al
- 12. Cornerstone - Mote, Liljero, Myrin, et al
- 13. How Deep the Father's Love for Us - Stuart Townend
- 14. In Christ Alone - Getty, Townend
15. Jesus Thank You - Sovereign Grace