We have a new housing system this year which should help streamline the housing request process.
When registering for FLY each person selected a church and inputted a youth leader. All FLY communication goes through whoever the youth leader is for each church. (if more than one youth leader was entered the registrar chose one person to list for communication purposes)
On March 26th, 2019 there was an email sent out to the youth leaders with specific instructions on how to submit housing requests. Each youth leader must create an account from the link included in this email. Once the account is created housing requests can be submitted here.
Please keep the following things in mind as you submit requests:
- You are responsible for submitting all housing requests for your church, not just the students. If there are married couples, families, staff members, etc. who would like to stay together, you must submit a housing request for them. Anyone who does not have a housing request submitted will be randomly placed in an empty bed, so housing requests must be submitted for everyone who has a housing preference, even families and married couples.
- Housing requests can only be submitted for individuals who are registered.
- Preference will be given to student housing requests that are submitted earliest and meet the 4 students to 1 Dorm Room Leader ratio. Requests with fewer than 4 students and/or 1 DRL will be honored as space allows. If your housing request does not fulfill the 4:1 ratio, FLY will make every effort to fill any remaining slots with students or DRLs from other congregations as available in order to maximize our limited space.
- Requests cannot be changed once they are submitted. If a request must be edited after submission, the request must be cancelled and a new request submitted. You can do this from the "Your Housing Requests" page.
- The deadline for submitting housing requests is May 30th.